The credit card number you entered is not valid for the type of credit card selected. Please ensure the number and type of card are exactly as those shown on your credit card. Invalid phone number. The following formats are valid: (123) 456-7890 123-456-7890 123/456-7890 Invalid phone number. The following formats are valid: (123) 456-7890 123-456-7890 123/456-7890 Invalid phone number. The following formats are valid: (123) 456-7890 123-456-7890 123/456-7890 Invalid zip code. The following formats are valid: USA 12345 or 12345-6789 Canada A1B2C3 or A1B-2C3 Invalid expiration date format. Valid field formats are: MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YYYY MM/YY MM/YYYY MM = 1 - 12 DD = 1 - 31 YY = 97 - 99 or 00 - 10 YYYY = 1997 - 2010 Invalid expiration date format. Valid field formats are: MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YYYY MM/YY MM/YYYY MM = 1 - 12 DD = 1 - 31 YY = 97 - 99 or 00 - 10 YYYY = 1997 - 2010 One of the date values you entered is out of bounds. Ensure the following is true: Month = 1 - 12 Day = 1 - 31 Year = 97 - 99, 00 - 10, or 1997 - 2010 Invalid expiration date format. Valid field formats are: MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YYYY MM/YY MM/YYYY MM = 1 - 12 DD = 1 - 31 YY = 97 - 99 or 00 - 10 YYYY = 1997 - 2010 The username is too long. It must be •min• to •max• characters in length. The username is too short. It must be •min• to •max• characters in length. The first character of the username is invalid. Only a lowercase alpha character is allowed. The username contains illegal characters. Only lowercase alpha characters and the underscore ( _ ) character are allowed. Not a valid JCB card number. Not a valid Diners Club number. Not a valid Discover card number. Not a valid American Express number. Not a valid MasterCard number. Not a valid VISA card number JCB card requires a 16 digit number. Diners Club card requires a 14 digit number. American Express card requires a 15 digit number. Discover card requires a 16 digit number. MasterCard requires a 16 digit number. Visa Card requires a 13 or 16 digit number. The credit card number may contain only digits, spaces, or dashes. The password is too long. It must be •min• to •max• characters in length. The password is too short. It must be •min• to •max• characters in length. The 2 passwords entered are not the same. Please retype them making sure you enter the same password in both fields. The password not international Invalid password. It may contain only numbers. Invalid password. It may contain only letters. Invalid password. It may contain only letters and numbers. The selected text is too long. It must be •min• to •max• characters in length. The selected text is too short. It must be •min• to •max• characters in length. The selected text is the wrong length. It must be •min• to •max• characters in length.